If you still think we live in a free country – read this. Post 174


NewsWithViews.com   Dr. Laurie Roth   June 24, 2011

This is a story that has too many twists and turns.  It should be read in the original.

County official colludes with bank to steal property, ruin grandson.


Coach Mitch’s REFLECTIONS™


This is a story of hubris gone wild.

We think for the government to collude with a bank to steal someone’s property is the sort of thing that only happens in Banana Republics or in Russia.  Think again.

It can’t happen here, not here.

If you don’t want to read the entire sordid story, here are the highlights:

  • A loving grandmother dies and leaves her home to her grandson.
  • The grandson inherits the house and puts all his hopes, his energy, and his available funds into its restoration, so he can rent it out for income – like his grandmother wanted.
  • With all funds going into rehabilitation, the grandson arranges with the county to pay the property taxes late.  The county assures that all is OK; there is much time available to pay the taxes.
  • The county sells a tax lien against the property, well ahead of the schedule told to the grandson. (the county can hold any property from auction…editor)
  • A well connected bank buys the TLC, tax lien certificate.
  • The grandson struggles, but pays the taxes.
  • The grandson complains that the county did not live up to the tax payment agreement they had made and asks for an official investigation of the events.
  • The Director of Budget and Finance sends the taxes back to the grandson.
  • The TLC holder, the bank, sues to take the property.
  • The man seeks help from the authorities –  to no avail.
  • The grandson resubmits the tax payment but the Director of Budget and Finance refuses to accept the tax payment a second time.
  • The man seeks help from other authorities – still, to no good effect.
  • The Director of Budget and Finance returns the tax payment a third time.
  • The TLC holder, the bank, continues to seek ownership of the property.
  • The TLC holder, the bank, has successfully taken peoples homes 8500 times via TLC foreclosures in the last two years and currently owns 84 properties in this county where the taxes are delinquent with no action by the county.
  • The man’s Congressman hasn’t done anything. The Attorney General of the state said he will investigate. The man’s Councilman has done nothing. The Commissioner of Financial Regulation said she can’t do anything.

Still think we live in the land of freedom?  This is what is meant when we say, “The Fix is in.”  “When the foxes run the hen house, it is just a matter of time until you are eaten.” Coach Mitch 2011

These are the kinds of situations that often plague taxpayers.  This is a difficult situation.  I would not seek to invest in this property.  I would be careful about investing in any property that this TLC holding bank is involved with.  The bank obviously has connections inside the government.

Words to remember

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.” Thomas Jefferson  The government can do anything it wants – and it often does.

Save yourself and US

This country is your home.  It is home to your children and your neighbors children.  When we are behind the barbed wire, what are you going to say when your grandchild asks, “Grandpa, why is the government doing this?  What did you do to stop it?” There is no difference between the solider fighting in Iraq for our security and every American citizen-solider, who should be fighting to make US free.

Money and Power is at the core

If you can be financially secure, then you can more easily help in the political struggle.  A poor people is ripe for violence.  A satiated people is resigned with their lot.  As an invigorated people, we want more for ourselves, but especially we want more for our posterity.

See Coach Mitch’s “Ridiculously Simple System…” ™ for details.

Make your grandchild Proud,

Mitchell Goldstein - Coach Mitch
518-439-6100 until midnight EST


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