Tax delinquent real estate, a “Good Old Boy Network” favorite! Post 45

Argus Leader Sioux Falls, South Dakota

August 6, 2007      By Jill Callison

Property to be declared as surplus

Property that has reverted back to Minnehaha County will be declared as surplus on Tuesday.

The county commissioners will consider a resolution to sell two tax deed properties to Great Western Bank.



County owned property being sold to a bank!

Who wouda thunk it?


I wonder what the sales amount will be?

I wonder if the price will be set at Fair Market Value?

I wonder how Fair Market Value will be calculated.

Do you think that maybe the parcels will be transferred for the back tax amount?

Or will it be pegged at the Assessed Value, which is supposed to be at 100% of valuation, but rarely is.

Also, if the property is so valuable, that a bank wants it, why not put the parcels up for public auction, so everyone can have a chance to bid on these parcels?

Is this procedure appropriate?

At a time when even the appearance of impropriety is reason for questioning, why is this transaction happening in this manner?

You can bet that the price has already been established. Why was the price not stated in the article?

This is a good example of the Good Old Boy Network at work!

See Coach Mitch’s “Ridiculously Simple System…” ™ for details.

Take care,

Mitchell Goldstein - Coach Mitch
518-439-6100 until midnight EST

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