To do rentals or to not do rentals, that is the question? Post 220

Coach Mitch’s REFLECTIONS™   In a recent forum discussion within the topic was: Who won’t you rent to… ? Question: Other than the obvious (can’t afford, eviction history) are there any groups/career fields you won’t rent to? And why? There were lots of answers, here’s a list. 1. Property manager 2. Military 3. Parents of […] . . .

Read More: To do rentals or to not do rentals, that is the question? Post 220

The IDEAL property investment. Post 78

Coach Mitch’s REFLECTIONS In the real estate investing world we use quite a few acronym’s to help remind ourselves to do things in a proper manner. First and foremost, we must make sure that we understand the “numbers” regarding the property. If renting, this becomes crucial. One such acronym is IDEAL. I=Income D = Depreciation […] . . .

Read More: The IDEAL property investment. Post 78