4 great questions to create tax delinquent solutions. Post 185

Coach Mitch’s REFLECTIONS™   Most folks just don’t get it You suggest something, anything, and the first thing out of someone’s mouth is something negative. I’m sure this has happened to you. Almost always, people will say that something is wrong with your idea. I am always amazed at this. Ideas galore I am a […] . . .

Read More: 4 great questions to create tax delinquent solutions. Post 185

When can creative real estate investing be too creative? 156

Coach Mitch’s REFLECTIONS™   In hard times, people try harder When economic times are hard, we are all trying harder to be creative, to be flexible, to make something out of nothing, or to stretch the little we have into something that can be used. I was trying to rent a house. It’s one of […] . . .

Read More: When can creative real estate investing be too creative? 156

How to be a ‘Millionaire’ for only $1000. Post 134

Coach Mitch’s REFLECTIONS™   Give the system what it wants (Coach Mitch advice) A banker wants to see assets. If the asset is liquid, like a stock or a bond, then he gives you credit for it. If the asset is real estate, the banker gives you credit for that also. The banking system does […] . . .

Read More: How to be a ‘Millionaire’ for only $1000. Post 134