Fear, regret, and dreams not realized. Post 140

Coach Mitch’s REFLECTIONS™


The other day I sent a follow-up email to several persons who had contacted me. Here is a response.

Hi Mitch:

It is great hearing from you. I would love to chat some more. I was not expecting to hear from you out of the blue like this.

I will try to be short and concise. I tend to be verbose I realize. In regards to real estate, my mind does tend to change quite a bit. I think I have felt at times, and at times come to the conclusion that real estate is not for me because of my aptitude and psychological makeup.

My answer –

It is good to hear from you again, though I am sorry that you are feeling less than sure of your ability re real estate investing.

You did not say that REI was bad, but rather that you might not be good at REI. That is a significant difference.

Might I suggest a confidence building measure? Find a mentor. A mentor in real estate investing would be best, but any mentor will help you overcome fear and pursue your interests.

Join a REIA, Real Estate Investor’s Association. Travel if you must, but find a group. This is a wonderful way to find a REI mentor. I did.

A “mastermind” group is the next best way to get serious help, encouragement, and insight. The REIA might have them set up. The Chambers of Commerce often have “mastermind” groups. Set up a one person business, pay the fees, and join in the fun. You could also go onto Craig’s List and ask if anyone wants to join a “mastermind” group.

If you have any REI training courses, you could just delve into it and do what the guru says. Just do it, even if you fail. In failing, you will have learned that you had the strength of character to try, and that you survived; therefore, you can try again.

We are all insecure. Some of us are brave enough to face the fears, and sometimes we win big. I trained a very insecure individual. We practiced what to say, what the expected responses would be, and we practiced our answers to the response, etc. We practiced entire conversations. In this manner, the student felt prepared, and therefore confident that he could approach a seller and know what to do. No matter what the seller said, the student knew what to do to counter. The result:  In his very first attempt, the student, with only $1, optioned a restaurant worth $1.6MM. Amazing!

Find help now, or feel sorry that you didn’t.

Regret is a terrible thing.


Another conversation

Recently, I had a similar conversation with another would be investor. He is single, 38, insecure and lonely. The conversation turned to woman. He said that all the good woman were taken and that he can’t find one, especially a pretty woman. Usually the woman say that all the good men are taken.

Having Nerve

It had never occurred to me before but, in my single days, I had always only gone out with very attractive woman. I married a beautiful woman. I’m not kidding. She stopped traffic. We’re together for 35 years.

Now, if you look at my picture, I’m no Brad Pitt. So why did I only go out with very attractive woman? The answer – because that is who I asked out. If you only ask out beautiful woman, then, some of them will say, “Yes.”

The same idea will happen with tax delinquents. Make enough offers and one will say “Yes.”

I remember one time I asked out the prettiest girl in school. She turned me down. While I was asking her out, the second prettiest girl in school walked up and listened to our conversation. Embarrassing. Apparently it got around school, because later that day, a friend teased me about it. I said, “Yes, I do like her. At least I had the guts to do something about it.” That shut him up.

I relayed these thoughts to the fellow and he understood that “having the guts to go for it” was a necessary part of life, achieving success and having some contentment. But, it is smart to go where your interest is, because that is where you will find it.

Narrow the field

I have said it before, dealing in tax delinquent property is a way of narrowing the field. You are only speaking to folks who are in trouble. That is why they are not paying their taxes. All you need do is talk to them, and see if you can help the situation.


Coach Mitch’s famous $1 Option.”™ is the perfect vehicle to take control of property. An option gives you all the benefits of real estate without any of the responsibilities. My option has several unique traits that make it very powerful. The best part is that clauses are worded so that the seller sees the words but doesn’t realize its consequence. Even lawyers have no objections.

See Coach Mitch’s “Ridiculously Simple System…” ™ for details.

G-d bless,

Mitchell Goldstein - Coach Mitch
518-439-6100 until midnight EST

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