Invest in yourself, not stocks. Post 104



A basic question

I just posted to a forum, in response to the question, “I’m 25, have a good job and savings of $25000. I want to invest but I don’t know where to start.” All the other answers were about investing in the stock market. Not my answer.

Invest in yourself – not stocks

The bottom line is – when giving your money to someone else, you lose control. You lose if they do not perform well.

Real estate is the only investment vehicle that I know of, allowing you nearly 100% control. Stocks/bonds allow you no control. The “experts” are expressing their educated opinion (guess).

  1. Create an investing mindset within yourself, e.g. your investment is yourself. Your investments reflect your ideas, desires, etc.
  2. Understand that your own business is your best investment. Choose something you will love to do, like turning a hobby into your business.
  3. Control the decisions affecting your money. Don’t trust anyone else, period. This is not cynicism, it is sound business. People will promise you everything and then say, “I’m sorry” when things go bad; but your monies are still lost. If you invest in stocks or a mutual fund, you have no idea if the weather, a union, or a governmental decision will adversely affect you. Only those with inside information are making consistently high returns in the stock market, but if pursuing inside information, you run the same risks as Martha Stewart.
  4. Work through a non-taxed entity wherever possible, like a SDRIRA, Self Directed Roth IRA, or a SD401K.
  5. Get a Success Coach and be part of a Mastermind Group. They are wonderful. Read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and “Think and Grow Rich”; then do what the books say to do.
  6. If choosing real estate as your road to fortune, then mingle with other real estate investors who also read and learn (Mastermind Group). You might start out with Options as they give you all the power and none of the responsibility or liability. I have controlled 100’s of properties at the same time with an option, only paying $1 per property. Whoever says it can’t be done, has never done it. I have.

Conclusion – Be extremely careful. Your $25000 can be lost in a wink or made into a fortune. I have experienced both. I don’t even look at a property unless I can make 200% profit. Compare that to 20% ROR for the best run company (Berkshire Hathaway) and/or mutual funds or 4% for CD’s. Don’t fall into the trap of being a lazy investor (mutual funds). “Carefully pick your basket and put all your eggs into it.” (Warren Buffet)

See Coach Mitch’s “Ridiculously Simple System…” ™ for details.
Go for it, 

Mitchell Goldstein - Coach Mitch
518-439-6100 until midnight EST

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